Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hackers sucks..But i likeeee~.. :D~..Ngeeeeee!!

Long time didnt update anything here.. well,hackers i do welcome u to hack my acc Evon Vie Khan..y so interested wif my acc? huh.. Due to safety me oredi deactivated the old one n creating a new acc known as Evon Naz Leeya..
Having the new 1 acc making me like been REBORN..adding back old frens(Requesting friend who i know & accepting wellknown friends only).. Lots of advantges,where my new acc RESTRICTED,PRIVATE&CONFIDENTAL=STALKER GO TO HELL!! heheee..
So im welcoming myself and listed friend&family at "Evon Naz Leeya".. so its my pleasure to say "HELLO to GOODBYE" for "Evon Vie Khan"..

Adios~..cheers everyone!

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