Sunday, November 14, 2010

-A Hope..Replying Shit- (Women Abuse~..)

--- W.O.M.E.N A.B.U.S.E---
The pains not in between my legs anymore
It’s when I close my eyes when I’m alone in my room
And I can’t tell anyone why..
It’s the little girl or boy I
Bore to a man who knew not my name
Do you think I’ll go to hell for this??
Do I really want to go to a
Ruled by a God who lets little girls
Bleed because of older boys
He kissed me..
Salty kisses of hatred,
In places that should have been
Tore my clothes off,
My soul being undressed..
My shouts meaning nothing..
Enticing him with every breath,
I scrubbed for 2 hours!!
Later that day in a bath..
My mom knocking and knocking on the door..
Not noticing..
I had lost my world..

ByThe Honour Victim

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