Sunday, November 14, 2010

:::..How Do I Help?..:::

Q:So, he f**ked you?

ANo, he RAPED me!  He did not f**k me, he did not have sex with me, he did not make love to me, he did not screw me. He F**king RAPED me!!!!
Q:Did you like it? 
A:No, I did not like it. Contrary to popular belief, people do not like having sex against their will.  I am sorry to be the one to break it to the porn industry, but I did not suddenly start enjoying the sex being forced on me in the middle of my rape.  I didn’t start thinking, “This isn’t so bad.”  It was horrible from start to finish, so please do not ask me why I didn’t just relax and enjoy it. That was impossible.

Q:It could have been worse..

AYes, It could have been. That doesn’t mean that what I went through wasn’t horrible though.  Please, don’t belittle my pain.
I would have fought tooth and nail if he had tried that with me. So because I did not rip his face off with my bare hands, I some how deserved what happened to me?
Q:You gave him permission by letting him come in the bedroom with you?

A:He was my friend and we were watching TV. We had sat in bed watching TV numerous times. That did NOT give him permission to what he did and then lie to all our friends about what had happened. I trusted him.  He betrayed my trust.  I did not ask to be hurt. That was his choice, not mine.

Q:Do you think he deserved jail time for that? What are you implying? That the harm he did to me isn’t worth damaging his reputation?
A:I doubt he remembers it. Thanks. I needed to be reminded how little I meant to the man who I can never forget.

Q:Did you tell him to stop? Did you struggle? Why do you even need to ask me that?

A:Yes, I did – but I just don’t understand why that is important.  What if I said I was too shocked to say anything, to do anything?  Did I deserve to be raped then?
Q:Just snap out of it. .
A:You don’t think I want to?  You think I like feeling sad and depressed?  I can’t just “snap out of it.” If I could, I would..
Q:I want the real you back. 
A:Well, guess what – this is the real me.  Love me for who I am.
Q:That sucks, him stealing your virginity like that. 
A:Yes, it does suck – but he did NOT take my virginity.  He raped me as a virgin, yes – but, he did not take my steal my virginity.

Q:You are just so remarkable, so pure and kind. Maybe that is why this happened to you. He just couldn’t resist being a part of all of that. Huh?

A:So to be a part of purity and kindness, he did something impure and cruel to me?  I know you are trying to make me feel better by complimenting me, but I’d don’t want to be so great that everyone wants to carve chunks out of me to call their own..

Q:I can’t take a side, you are both my friends. 

A:Don’t you see that you are already taking his side when you say that?
Q:Just think of it as sex then you don’t have to torture yourself about it.. 
A:Like it is that easy. I didn’t realize I could just decide it wasn’t rape, it was just sex. Wow, that was easy! Why didn’t I think of that a long time ago?  All I had to do was change the word from rape to sex in my mind and all the hurt and pain just melted away..

Q:He is my friend. He wouldn’t lie to me about that. .

A:And what am I? I thought I was your friend? Why would I lie about it?
Q:I just want you to get past this. .
A:Yeah, well so do I. Thanks for making me feel like I am defective because I am not getting over it soon enough for you...

By:How Do I Help?

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