Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hackers sucks..But i likeeee~.. :D~..Ngeeeeee!!

Long time didnt update anything here.. well,hackers i do welcome u to hack my acc Evon Vie Khan..y so interested wif my acc? huh.. Due to safety me oredi deactivated the old one n creating a new acc known as Evon Naz Leeya..
Having the new 1 acc making me like been REBORN..adding back old frens(Requesting friend who i know & accepting wellknown friends only).. Lots of advantges,where my new acc RESTRICTED,PRIVATE&CONFIDENTAL=STALKER GO TO HELL!! heheee..
So im welcoming myself and listed friend&family at "Evon Naz Leeya".. so its my pleasure to say "HELLO to GOODBYE" for "Evon Vie Khan"..

Adios~..cheers everyone!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Apple Hearts~.. :)~..

Girls are like apples on trees.The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree~..

"Simple things...that's what my heart beats for"

Monday, May 30, 2011

BAKIT PA-Jessa Zaragosa

Parang 'di ko yata kaya ',pag sa buhay ko'y wala ka,
Aanhin ang pag-ibig kung puso ay nag-iisa.
Sino'ng aking tatawagin, sino'ng aking hahanapin,
Sino ang magpupuno sa 'king paglalambing,

Bakit ka pa nakita, bakit pa nakilala,
Kung ang puso ko ay iiwan mo lang at sasaktan,
Kung siya'y higit sa akin,
Naro'n man ang pagdaramdam, ito ay aking kakayanin,

Kung siya'y higit sa akin,
Naro'n man ang pagdaramdam nito ay aking kakayanin,

Ito ay aking kakayanin ..

 I always listen to this song..i love the rhythm, the voice and the lyrics..1st tagalog song i sing eva becaming my fav~!!

Basically,Im aren' afraid to try juz afraid of getting hurt for the same Reason~.. goes by..mau x mau hidup mesti diteruskan.. pahit ka manis ka must travel on it~.. itula namanya Dugaan~..
Depend on how the person handle tu juga.. mcm me i look strong but another side im so fragile~..huh..
Aku bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada sekarang..Happy family?-yes i got it.. Careear?-ya i enjoy it.. Love?-Not so lucky on it..hurmmm..
Love?..i dont know much what love define..mcm aku if im in love with someone mmg org tu akan aku bahagiakan sepertimana kebahagiaan yang aku many n how much im getting hurt? answer is few.. rather than a lot~..yaiii!!.. Its been TWICE..ya twice..and it hurt damn much..
At 1st, couple for 6 years..ya so long..but didnt lasting..time ni la aku langsung teda kawan lelaki..not once.. dalam hp pun teda 1 pun nama lelaki,except my baba n lil bro~..time belajar pun dulu langsung aku x join group assignment if ada lelaki..y? sbb mau jaga hati dia..i know him much..he feel insecure when im joining wif other guys~..pi mana pun aku mesti dgn dia ja..if without him my phone wont stop ring..texting n calling all the time..see how much he care~..But y didnt Lasting?.. its so hard for me..muchhh hard n hurtttttt!! he Rest in peace~..know what i mean rite? suffering..lost.. :'(~..
Almost a few years juga la me didnt in love..until 1 time i meet this guy and give a that time look ok.. till we getting engaged oredi,brang2 tunang pun sda beli..amazing feeling on that time..but baba telling me something that make me almost FAINTED!!! dare dare.. double hurt when his family didnt telling me the truth also,like all of them playing around me..i let him him go~..No used for me,lying to me and family such a shit attitude much he explaining and begging i keep away from him..owhhhh how i wish to punch and spit on his face..
These two tragedy do really take my heart away~..
And then i try to despite all the stupid things,get to know other far it didnt work at all~.. im not so selective,juz looking for the best!!..and meet this guy like he do really adore first im not so in to him.. but i try, didnt know when and how im in love..hurmm..ya in love~..but for this time look like i dont know how to express my not like many thing change in me..only 1 things dosent change.. That is my LOYALTY.. At 1st when he try to win my heart he owez be there with me,im replying his text or not he will keep on texting beside calling..Nampak kan usaha dia..until giving me keyakinan la,cuz im telling him that i didnt in to relationship if he not serious with it..and then he admit that he want a serious relationship.. he also planning to marry me..sepa yang x happy kan..but im so afraid it it dosent work later on.. After seeing usaha dia,planning dia and ask me to tell my family about his planning i go for dat relationship~..and now im still with him..but i didnt know why,when we oredi in relationship he look like sometimes OK sometime NOT..maybe me belum cukup kenal dia..dengan sifat semulajadi ppuan lagi yg bila da sayang if kita kol or texting no replying mula la curious..hurmmm..i hate this feeling~..i dont know till when we will be together,what i know is i love him and ill stay with my loyalty syg~..heheee.. sometimes i feel insecure..

So thats what i mean..
"Basically,im aren't afraid to try juz afraid of getting hurt for the same reason~"..

All i can do now is do the best..if itu la jodoh syukur tired being  like this.. Memang theres a few guy flirting..but me jenis if aku yang suka i will go for it,but if  not i will reject!!..But ini la masalah bila terlalu ikut kemahuan hati sendiri..Risiko untuk hati tu terluka sangat la ada..ya a few friends give advice to me "Bagus lagi couple dengan org yang lebih mencintai ko berbanding ko yang mencintai"..ya i know what does it really mean..but naturally this is what i am.. x semua yang kita inginkan kita akan dapat.. motivate my self by saying "The Best always come in the last chapter of our life"..

All i wanted is Love me like i love u baby~..-I Heart You-

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A years from Now~..

What will I be years from now
What will I wear, how will I look
I think too much, I think too much

Sometimes it’s scary over thinking
What you have or haven’t done
You think too much, you think too much

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And the star much shine
The colours seem so blurry

Will I end up all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And neglect most people who
Seems so worthy

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And the star much shine
The colours seem so blurry

Will I end up all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you

What will I be years from now
i have answeres them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my lastsecond in this life will have you
Will have you

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And neglect most people who
Seems so worthy

|What Will I Be In A Years?--->W.I.S.H.I.N.G A.G.O.O.D L.I.F.E<---|

Friday, May 27, 2011

Children Book From Germany-Sex Education 18SX-

Vie dapat ni from a fren yang foward to my email..interesting..How can it apply to Malaysian Kids?.. weeeww for sure it will be a sensitive issue then~..

Tabiat kerja 1 Malaysia?

 So anda di kategori yang mana?..
-vie dapat ni from fb fren blog~..interesting to think and share with~..

"Kenapa Lelaki & Wanita Berkahwin?"


Cempaka Suite & Old Town White Coffee Time~..

Hehee..before kuar sempat lagi pose..n time keluar ngan kawan-kawan sempat juga pose sambil menikmati supper time~..yaii!! :p~.. -New me, Mei 2011-
p/s: Ahmad albab yang punyaaaa... :p~..

Kursus Rawatan & Perubatan Tahap 1,Siri 1-24hb-27hb Mei 2011- Cempaka Suite,Maluri Cheras,Kl

Today 27hb mei 2011,berakhirnya kursus Rawatan & Perubatan siri 1,tahap 1 nie..very useful kursus yg aku attend~..3 days berkursus lots of info yg aku dapat..memang rasa x cukup juz 3 hari cuz masih banyak persoalan on medical treatment for drug user.. But at least untuk siri 1 ni da tau apa itu DSM IV,Assist,Cbt and lots more..for me ni baru basic r..after this ada 2nd siri will be attend for it,cuz batch ni juga la yg akan attend for that~..Then will do it practically at general or private hospital..dengar2 akan buat lawatan ke Glinigals Hospital.. Today juga aku jadi far everything goes smoothly.. :)~..hehee..
Teringat dengan kata-kata seorang doktor ni Dr.wan rushdi..mmg seronok slot dia..dia ckp mcmni.. "Everyone of us must have 1 counselor"..x kira la dia sape ka..kawan ka..but as long as we can shared everything..but for me..counselor2 juga but will share certain things long as i can handle it i will solved it by myself.."People who can't solved their problem r people who don't have solved problem skill"~..yeap! i agree with you Doctor.. 
Nampak pic kat atas tu kan..pic yg wif my gud officemate hencek najmi..ha dia la good counselor aku setakat nie..always reminding me to think in a +ve way..3 years bersahabat dia la yang banyak guide aku dalam berkerja sebagai Pen.Peg.Antidadah..Depressed wooo at 1st,mmg culture shock juga sbb perubahan cara kerja secara mendadak nie..dulu time N17 kat Hospital Queen Elizabeth,kk beban kerja x seberat now aku percaya la.."Makin tinggi Gred,Makin tinggi la beban kerja,Bukan Goyang Kaki".. dulu time N17 pandai ja belasah boss.."Asyik..asyik aku je..mentang2 la boss"..hehehee..sekarang da merasa baru la tau..hehehee..
Lega rasanya bila da tamat kursus..tapi x boleh lagi nak rileks cuz benda yang telah dipelajari perlu dipraktikan dalam tugasan seharian..kalau x sia-sia ja la benda yang di pelajari..walaupun sepatutnya staff kat C&C yang lebih perlu kami di daerah juga bakal mempraktikannya juga~..Masuk kerja nanti akan buat T.O.T untuk sharing dengan rakan-rakan setugas..kerjasama tu penting dalam melaksanakan dan menjayakan sesuatu matlamat!.. 
"Bersama Membasmi Dadah & Kepulihan Sepanjang Hayat"... Adiosss..cheerss~.. :)~..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

its been a long time~..

Hurmmm..juz like d above..hehe..lama da x update blog~..
Terlampau ayik dengan 1st rasanya fb lagi penting berbanding blog nie..sbb blog kurengg dengan kawan2, but now maw tukar selera~.. dulu aku owez bagi nasihat dengan kawan2 "JGN TERLALU BYK BERCERITA","ITULA AKIBAT BILA TERLALU BYK BERCERITA".. before dis aku tau cakap ja la kan.. sebab kawan datang and put trust on kita untuk bercerita masalah durang (im a good listener~.. :D~) bila kita dengar dengan ikhlas and kenal pasti punca-punca masalah tu mesti disbbkn sikap "TERLALU BYK BERCERITA".. x salah untuk bercerita tapi berpada la,aku pun mcm tu juga..hepi ka sedih ka semua pun aku mau cerita,peribadi x peribadi i will share with my close if u do in a wrong way it will bite u back~..

The reason now aku mo layan blog more than fb sbb aku x mo "TERLALU BYK BERCERITA".. tp masih bercerita untuk luahan ja la, fed up dengan mcm-mcm persoalan.. terlalu byk dengar pelbagai nasihat yg berbeza-beza pun bakal mempengaruhi setiap keputusan~.. cuz in the end its about u..not them~..

Juz sekarang nie tengah membiasa2kan diri tanpa FACEBOOK~.. will replace it with my own BLOG~.. so to the people who do really looking for me they know how to find me.. :)~.. cheeerrssss..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Growing Up With Sesame Street!!

Ingat lagi dengan Tv Show?Pada yang lahir on 80's mesti sampai sekarang pun ingat!! Ya my favroite Tv Show time kecik-kecik dulu until now..hehehe..Disinilah aku belajar ABC,and Counting 123.. Setiap pagi dulu memang sesame street ni la yang wajib ditonton..Sambil belajar-belajar,Menari-nari n ketawa-ketawa tengok every character dalam sesame street nie.. :)~..
Ni some of my favroite character dalam sesame street~..
Elmo-Puppet merah yang sangat-sangat menjadi kegemaraan!! setakat ni ada beberapa patung elmo yang jadi koleksi,dari yang baby elmo,fishing elmo,big elmo,key chain elmo,elmo shirt n yang paling best patung elmo v yang boleh bergerak-gerak..insert bateri ja on/off automatik elmo ni ketawa terbahak-bahak smp buli berguling-guing,siap hentak2 kaki lagi ketawa..terhibur aku sendiri!! pun really enjoy bila v dah start main patung elmo nie..hehehe..
Oscar The Grouch-Ha ni lagi 1 makhluk yang suka Trash Can..Like it owez say "I Love Trash Can".. banyak-banyak karakter dia la bagi aku yang paling pelik..hijau-hijau,kiut-kiut..lepak dalam tong sampah~..pandai marah kalau kena ketuk trash cannya,bestprennya c wormy~..ulat yang kecik2 tu..selalu ceta-ceta ma dia! Teringat pla dulu time kecik-kecik siap tanya my mum lagi "Ma,c oscar tinggal di tong sampah mana?.."My Mum "Dia jauh tu,sana tempat orang putih..disini manada..".. tahan juga la my mum jawab persoalan aku yang banyak.."Kenapa dia tinggal dalam tong sampah?,kenapa teda disini?mana mama,bapa,adik beradik c oscar?,oscar memang tinggal dalam tong sampah ka mama?"..last yang aku ingat "Ma,nanti kalau kita jumpa c oscar kita bawa dia tinggal dirumah r,kesian dia tinggal dalam tong sampah.."ehehhehee..sifat ingin tahu yang tinggi tu..huhuu~..
Von The Count-Dracula ni la yang banyak mengajar kami adik beradik mengira..1,2 ahh..ahh.ahh..3,4 ahh..ahh..ahh..belajar mengira sambil ketawa2,selingan petir sambung menyambung..hahaaa~.. enjoying counting while Laughing Out Loud!! 
Bert&Ernie:Durang ni roomate or mum n dad cakap Bert-Bb(my sist),Ernie-Evon(Me).. sebabnya c Bert warna kuning-kuning then putih la kono yang c ernie ni gelap-gelap so ngam ngan aku..aisehh~..beruluk-uluk la selalu ngan my sist cuz aku panggil c bert ni jagung!!..kepala dia mcm jagung bah..ahahahaa~..
Actually ada lagi 1 karakter favroite c Cookie Monster yang warna biru-biru tu dengan mulut yang besarrrr punyeeee!!..gara-gara dia la kami adik beradik menghabiskan biskut-biskut dirumah..hehehe..then parents pun rajin juga beli cookies..chipsmore tu la jadi pabret smp skrg..hehhee..
Ni some of Sesame Street Family~..1 Day nanti if aku dah ada keluarga sendiri memang aku bagi tengok my kids..Boleh belajar macam me juga dulu..hehe..Sistem pembelajaran yang sangat mudah,berfaedah and enjoy!!.. :)~..Yang penting langsung teda unsur ganas-ganas,seram..Sesuai Untuk Tontonan Semua... My wish dari kecik-kecik dulu "Wanna Be in Sesame street Land-Dats My DREAM LAND!!.."hehehee..

Nway Thanx 4 viewing..Lets Flashback Growing Up Wif Sesame Street!!.. :)~..Cheers!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

29DIS2010-09JAN2011 (KL-KK,KK-KL)=The Vacation=Part 1

Lama da x update my now ada masa its time to sharing story on my blog!! =)~.. 
Date di atas tu date aku bercuti,bebas dari tekanan berkerja..Cuti Rehat+Cuti Ganti..heheee..bercuti p mana lagi if bukan balik kampung..Sabah Tanah Airku,Negeri Kita Yang Tercinta..weeeeww!! So thanx to Malaysian Airline for The Superbbb Servic & Oso to AirAsia la yang a bit so so la Service dia..hehe~..
Kali ni terasa hepi sgt2 utk balik..penangan dia sehari lagi maw balik x boleh tido da r~..Baju jgn cakap la seminggu lg flight back to kk siap packing da..hehe..betapa excitednya!! =)~.. Apa tidak cuz Me,My BFF & Family sudah plan mcm2,terharu juga la cuz all of them mcm x sabar2 tunggu aku smp..
Malam ni family buat Birthday Party & New year Event 2011!!..
Celebrate birthday untuk 3org,(2 of my hero and my younger sister) with beautiful decorative and yummy cake ha!!
Walaupun buat kecil2an hanya panggil family terdekat ja tp mmg sangat meriah..sbb banyak makanan,hehehe..selain dapat berkumpul dengan family and kazen mazen tersayang~..
Selesai event bersama family,celebrate new year pula dengan kawan~..ha,ni kali la sebab x maw sangkut jammed di kk,mana mau bersesak lagi kami p tempat yang berdekatan ja..New Year 2011 Stay-Stay Mamak r~..hahahaa..Layan Bunga Api & Iphone Game..Maybe its Not Late To Wish Happy New Year Everyone~..Cheers.. =)~..

Wow~..if teringat tarikh ni,huh~..memang full of activities..
Ernawaty bt Sumarto rasmi menjadi tunangan Mohd Fadhli Darto..Congrats dear babe,hopefully selamat sehingga ke jinjang pelamin~..Walaupun aku terlewat sikit sampai tapi sempat juga aku jadi paparazi..hehee~..Thanx dengan layanan family mu er yang sangat2 baik dengan aku..teringat pula cakap mama bila mama peluk aku "Tinggal ini sjala anak aku,bikin ganti erna".. :')~..saat pelukan bersama my good frenz ni a.k.a my twins pun xkan dilupakan,bersama dengan linangan airmata kebahagiaan dan tanda syukur. Sedikit terflash back kisah lalu, barang2 hantaran yang sudah siap prepare untuk majlis aku dulu..Thanx dengan kata-kata semangat tu er,walaupun dulu aku hampir sebahagia ko skrg,tp..hurm~..Aku terima segala ketentuannya,kita hanya mampu merancang,tp hanya yg maha berkuasa berhak  menentukan.. :')~..terima kasih yang tidak terhingga er,kerna ko seiring bersama langkahku,jatuh,bangun,tersungkur..sehingga kini!!
Next Station,Attending Sara Teoh&Grey wedding day~..Both Of Them kawan sekolah SJS dulu~..woww..buli tahan cinta zaman sekolah berakhir dengan perkahwinan adalah sesuatu yang sangat2 manis!! :)~..Congrats Sarah&Grey..
May Happily Eva After..
After tu BFF yg lain direk attend anak  kawan punya Majlis cukur jambul..aku have to go back home time to and wait dorang datang ambik dirumah untuk ke event yang seterusnya..
Next Station lg..Karok Time wif My Dearest BFF!! boleh dikatakan Bachelor Party..hehehe~..mmg best saat menghabiskan masa bersama kawan-kawan tersayang,macam2 lawak..sharing ceta yang sudah sekian lama untuk dishare.. :)~..
Sudah Kenyang Karok,ni kali sesi mengenyangkan perut di Windbell,Tg.Aru kk..memang terbaik la makanan dia,price pun suitable dengan kelazatan makanan dan servic yang Ok!!
Ending untuk event hari tu..fuhh almost 4-5 event in 1 day~..sangat-sangat memenatkan tapi enjoy x terkata~.. :)~.. akan kembali lagi ke Windbell,Tg.Aru..thanx to Bb cuz introduce tempat ni..

Next..To Be Continue..Part 2 is coming~.. =)~..